Pentomech™ compression fittings
AVK Pentomech™ is a mechanical coupling for use in pressure pipes.
The design includes a highly innovative sealing system. This innovation provides a technical solution where tightening the nut improves the performance of the seal. Extra advantage of maximum reliability under all possible operating conditions. The coupling is also easy and quick to install, without additional preparation of the pipe.
- Innovative sealing
- A watertight solution
- Made from polypropylene
- Pipe sizes from Ø16 - Ø110
- Easy installation without tools
- Suitable for drinking water
Parts and materials:
- Suitable for PE, PVC, steel, stainless steel, lead and copper
- PE x PE couplings - d16-110 mm
- PE x BSP fittings - d16x½ "- 110 mm x 4"
- PE x copper fittings - d25-32 mm
- Universal - 15-35 mm outside diameter valves - d20-32 mm
The following versions are also available:
- Repair coupling
- Gradient coupling
- End cap
- Adapter
- 90° Tee (reducer)
- 90° Bends flange fitting
- Bend for wall mounting
- Coupling PE x metric copper