Different AVK needle valve variants

Needle valves variants and configurations

We offer a wide range of high quality needle valves (plunjer valves) in different configurations and with optional extras for actuation and cavitation prevention.

Dedicated software for accurate size calculation

Each valve is set according to relevant selection criteria for its specific application. Therefore it is necessary to provide the necessary information concerning hydraulic data (flow and pressure), installation design and requested operation when placing an order or quotation. This ensures that the needle valve has an optimum performance for the requested installation. Using our special sizing calculation software, a fluid and cavitation report can be provided under the requested hydraulic conditions. The report guarantees a cavitation free valve.

Needle valve configurations

AVK has made a selection of optional extras for actuation and cavitation prevention. The current operating data is entered per valve, after which the valve operates without cavitation, even at major pressure differences

Needle valves with actuation

Upon request we can provide needle valve solutions for custom designed control configurations:

  • Worm gear box and handwheel
  • Electric actuator
  • Hydraulic
    o Hydraulic brake and lift unit
    o Double acting hydraulic piston
    o Simple acting hydraulic piston
  • Double or single acting pneumatic actuator

Learn about the features and benefits of AVK needle valves and our comprehensive selection of control valves.

Needle valves cavitation trim
Testbench needle valve
AVK product brochure about our Needle valves and how to use them


Needle valves

Learn about when to use needle valves, AVK’s wide range of needle valves, and how they offer precise regulation of water flow and pressure.
AVK control valve variants and configurations


Control valve variants and configurations

At AVK we offer pressure reducing valves and pressure sustaining valves. Click in and find the right configuration!